Army Officer’s Dagger by Original Eickhorn Solingen. Long Army Dress Bayonet by Original Eickhorn Solingen.
Also, while we will not guarantee all matching serial #'s, all of the dozens that we have examined so far have had all factory stamped matching serial. Click here to order this rifle individually or scroll down for instructions to order by the crate. Each rifle is complete with blade type bayonet, adjustable gas systems with a grenade launcher.

I believe this article clears things up a little and you are correct that the first 1916's were 7mm. I've read where the 1916's made after 1950 had better hardened bolts and thus not so much of an issue.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Karabiner 98 Kurz (often abbreviated Kar98k or K98k) was a bolt-action rifle adopted as the standard infantry rifle in 1935 by the Wehrmacht, and was one of the final developments in the long line of Mauser military rifles.